Monday, September 28, 2015

Lost Flower

Hello! I'm Victoria. You can call me Vicky. Welcome to my blog! I am 18 years old and majoring in photographic imaging and I aspire to become a concert photographer. I created this blog because it was given to me as an assignment from my photography seminar class; but I don't see this blog as an assignment. I see it as the perfect opportunity to share my work with other people. When it comes to photography, I like to express my feelings and inner most thoughts and put meaningful messages into visual representations. I wish to help and inspire others through the work I create. I've been through a lot of difficulties in my life that I'm still trying to overcome; and it is very clear to me that many others are going through the same thing. Depression, self-loathing, anxiety, paranoia, loneliness; we've been through it all. They can tend to make one feel as though they have nobody and that they are the only ones who feel like this. With this blog, I not only want to get credit for doing my homework, but I want to help others. I want to share my thoughts and my outlook on life. I chose this photo as my first post because I feel as though it describes me. This photo is of a small, lone flower sitting on top of a wooden chair that is much bigger than the flower. Ideally a flower would be happily growing from the ground; the ground being it's home and where it rightfully belongs. But the flower isn't home. Instead it's lost and doesn't feel at home. I feel as though the flower in the photo is me. I'm lost in this big world and I don't know how to get home. It's hard being so small and having the feeling that you're not able to help yourself. But I know with a little hard work and patience I'll find where I truly belong. We're all trying to find our way home. We're all lost in this world; but we're not alone. We're never alone. We just have to keep going until we feel truly comfortable with ourselves.


  1. (skyler)-cant really read the font but the photo is pretty

  2. I like how you made the flower focused and the background blurred. Beautiful photo!
