We Both fell asleep on the floor, but I left you there
You spent so many days alone, so I'll kill myself to make things fair
See I just hated being tired cause I can't seem to sleep anymore
You and all your friends were all right about me all along
Do you sleep anymore?
(This is a banner that is hanging on the wall of my bedroom that is surrounded by very pretty christmas lights. The first photo I took using a regular auto white balance. In the second photo I used a gray card which had such an unusual effect on the lighting in the photo. I've been so tired lately; homework, stress or just simply my mind is running at a million miles per second with thoughts about the world would usually be the cause of these sleepless nights. I chose this for it kind of reminds me of when I can't sleep at night. I'll be so restless I will do nothing but stare at the lights hanging on my wall. Eventually I'll grow so tired those lights become weird to me; a mirage; almost like they're changing colors.)