Monday, November 9, 2015

Shake the Dust

"This? This is for you. Make sure that by the time fisherman returns you are gone. Because just like the days, I burn both ends and every time I write, every time I open my eyes I am cutting out a part of myself to give to you.
So shake the dust and take me with you when you do for none of this has ever been for me. All that pushes and pulls, pushes and pulls for you. So grab this world by its clothespins and shake it out again and again and jump on top and take it for a spin and when you hop off shake it again for this is yours. Make my words worth it, make this not just another poem that I write, not just another poem like just another night that sits heavy above us all. Walk into it, breathe it in, let is crash through the halls of your arms at the millions of years of millions of poets coursing like blood pumping and pushing making you live, shaking the dust.
So when the world knocks at your front door, clutch the knob and open on up, running forward into its widespread greeting arms with your hands before you, fingertips trembling though they may be." 
[Anis Mojgani - Shake the Dust]
(This weekend I visited my best friend after 3 months of her being away at college. I was about 7 hours away from where I originally live but even though I was far, I never felt so at home. I feel as though my hometown has kept me grounded. It's the place where I grew up, but soon I want to break free and find more adventures somewhere else. I have truly realized that I can't stay here forever. One day I will leave the place that is making me feel so grounded and I will finally feel free and at peace with myself. One day I will Shake the Dust.)